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Why Is My Fence Leaning, And How Can I Fix It?

There are three primary reasons for a fence to lean. They include:

  1. Damage from external causes
  2. Issues with how the fence was installed
  3. Old age

Let’s look at each of these areas and then talk about how to solve leaning-fence issues.

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External damage

Wood, vinyl, chain link and aluminum fences are all susceptible to damage from super-high winds, lightning strikes, fierce hail storms and other “natural” occurrences.

Wood fences can be destroyed by termite infestation. Wood also is prone to rotting if not properly treated and maintained and if allowed to remain in contact with wet soil for extended periods of time.

Many types of metal fences can be damaged by rust, which can start in a very small area where the paint or sealant is chipped off and then spread both above and below ground.

All these occurrences can eventually cause a fence or parts of it to lean.

Poor fence installation work

You may have inherited a fence when you bought your home, or you may have paid to have a fence installed. Either way, if your fence is starting to lean or sag, it may be due to improper installation practices, especially if the fence runs along sloped ground or is set in especially rocky terrain.

Not all fencing contractors are alike. While most want to do a good job, not all have the necessary experience to build a solid, sturdy fence that will stand the test of time.

A common reason for fences to lean is too-shallow post holes. The weight and height of the fence sections as well as the grade of the land must be taken into account when digging holes for the posts.

For example, an eight-foot heavy iron security fence installed in rocky soil angled at 45 degrees will naturally require deeper holes than a three-foot chain link fence on clear, flat ground.

There’s no excuse for improperly dug post holes, nor is there an excuse for incorrectly connect the fencing panels when building the fence. But it happens, and if your fence is leaning, poor workmanship could be the cause.

Old age

Wood fences tend to have shorter lifespans than vinyl, metal and chain link fences. Even when properly maintained and cared for, wood fences eventually become so old they can no longer maintain their position. Leaning is just one of several problems very old fences can present.

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Repairing a leaning fence

If you’re good with tools and understand fence construction, you may be able to perform basic repairs on a leaning fence. Your best bet, however, is to consult with a licensed fencing contractor.

Experienced contractors can do four very important things for you:

  1. Determine exactly what’s causing the leaning fence
  2. Repair sections of the fence in a way that they attractively blend with the rest of the fence
  3. Do the job correctly and guarantee the work
  4. Advise you on fence-care best practices to ensure the longest possible life for your fence

A Perfect 10 Fencing of Brooksville, FL, is a licensed fencing contractor with years of experience repairing leaning fences. Let us take a look at your fence and restore it to a “perfect 10” state. Talk with a fence expert today at (352) 606-2623.